Yael Eiger

I’m a 2nd-year PhD student in the Security and Privacy Research Lab at the University of Washington Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science and Engineering, where I am lucky to be advised by Franziska Roesner.
My research interests center around technology in the carceral system e.g. surveillance, policing technology, electronic monitoring apps, carceral communication apps, sentencing algorithms, etc. I’m also interested in related interdisciplinary topics e.g. tech policy, data ethics, consumer protection, power analysis, deceptive design, monetization structures, etc.
I also teach classes in 3 nearby prisons with the Freedom Education Project of Puget Sound and Prison Math Project, who are always looking for more volunteers and teachers. And if you’re at UW, check out HOPE! 🫶 🕊️ 🌻
Previous research-related work